意思 意大利建筑设计公司
"IS architecture and design" (I as Italian, S as style), in Chinese 意思(意大利的意思路的思), is an architectural firm established in 2016 in Beijing, three times selected within AD 100 most influential designers in China.
We are a "boutique studio" and we tailor every single project to be unique with the aim of designing cultured architecture conceived and seen through the lens of history and specificities of places. In our studio knowledge is considered as the base of creativity and the search for beauty comes before the search for the originality. That is why, whether it is an interior project, a building or urban planning, in our projects there is never a lack of vertical cultural references in the history of our discipline and horizontal links with the specificity of the project location. Every project has its own specific situation and reasons and we interpret them from the global place of our personal experiences as international designers.
In the Architecture field we design cultural and commercial urban planning and in the field of Interiors we design high-end interiors, residential, office and retail always with the intention to create meaningful spaces.
“IS建筑设计”(I代表意大利,S代表风格),翻译成中文是意思(意大利的意,思路的思),IS是一家于2016年在北京成立的建筑设计公司,三次被选为《安邸AD》AD100中国最具影响力的设计工作室。 作为一家“精品工作室”,我们为每一个项目量身定做,使其独一无二。我们透过对历史镜头的观察和对特定地点的分析来设计文化建筑。
Fabrizio Gurrado
Passionate architect from Milan, Italy. Practicing since 2002 facing all phases of projects at all scales, from interior private residence to commercial big shopping malls, outlet and cultural building, designing architecture and interiors.
“The attention to the details has been the key word of my career. Even the biggest ideas are all made of small details and more, in my design, style has never a predefined role. In every situation the right design is made by the matching between style and contest overall in interior design. Traditional style, contemporary style are both worthy to be used according to the situation and the clients wishes.”
Fabrizio Gurrado 曾在法国蒙彼利埃的“建筑学院”学习建筑,2001年以优异成绩毕业于米兰理工学院建筑学院,并发表了一篇关于当代郊区建筑和社会问题的论文。毕业后,他在米兰从事建筑设计的工作,工作内容以住宅建筑设计为主,特别注重研究建筑与环境的关系。从一开始,他就明白,即使是大规模的项目,也必须对建筑结构和建筑细部有深入的认知。秉持着“从勺子到城市”的设计理念,他从毕业开始就对各种规模的项目感兴趣,包括总体规划、公建项目、住宅室内设计、时尚零售、自制家具和灯具。
经过多年的设计实践,许多作品被发表在业内顶尖的杂志和网站上。尤其是住宅室内设计的项目,发表在《安邸AD》《家居廊Elle Decor》等许多当地媒体。